How You Open a Board Meeting

How you open the board meeting is an opportunity to establish the foundation for a productive, efficient session. The best method to do this is clearly communicating the meeting’s purpose and establishing precise agenda goals with time limits. This will ensure that the board meets its goals each time it meets, and also avoids spending time on issues that are not critical.

To get the most value from every minute, begin the meeting on time. Prioritize the most important issues and make sure that all members are provided with the required information. Distribute a strong agenda with relevant information in advance and include all required board documents, including minutes of the previous meeting, financial reports, presentations from committees, project updates and proposals.

Focus the discussion on topics of high priority that are in line with the strategic plans, and that are able to manage risk. Limit long reports and other routine business to one-quarter of the time so that the rest can be reserved for discussions about strategies. Board members are encouraged to, instead of reading lengthy reports, to provide bullet points that summarise what they need.

Review the performance of the organization since the last meeting, highlighting major milestones and areas in which there are opportunities for improvement. The board can then decide whether to implement strategies that will increase growth and overcome challenges. This portion of the board meeting is an excellent time to look over upcoming board member elections and provide any necessary orientation and training for new members.

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